Love versus Marriage


“What is the difference between Love and Marriage?” A student ask.

Then, the teacher told him to go pluck a big corn in the corn field. On 1 rule, he’s not allowed to turn back to pick up what he left or passed. So, he went there and found a big corn at the first row. But, he was still curious if there will be a bigger corn in front  He moved forward, left the corn in his hand and found another big piece of corn. Being more curious, he still moves forward in search of a bigger corn.

But he found out that the corn in the last row, is smaller than the first corn he encountered.

With full regrets, he didn’t pluck any corn to bring back to the teacher.

The next day, the teacher told him. That’s what Love is. You keep looking for a better one, but later on you realised.. that you already missed out the person.

“What is marriage then?” The student asked.

Teacher told him to go to the corn field again and this time pick the big corn for real. Rule still stays the same, that he can go through the rows only once and cannot turn back to pick what he missed.

And so, the student went.. this time, he’s being very careful not to repeat his greediness and the same mistake again. When he reached to the middle of the field, he picked one medium size and be satisfied with it.

He came back to the teacher bringing his corn.

The teacher told him, “This time you bring back a corn. You looked for one that’s just nice and satisfy you, you have faith and believe this is the best one you get… This is marriage.”
But well dear readers, I believed a love marriage would be very perfect. Am I right? I hope ya’ll be blessed with one!


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